UPDATED 8/31/21
COVID-19 Vaccine Q & A
The Shelton School District is excited to partner with Mason General Hospital to help answer your questions about the COVID-19 vaccine and other safety mitigations. If you have a question(s) about the COVID vaccination or other safety mitigations, please email [email protected]. Questions will be accepted through Friday, September 3, at 8:00 AM.
Superintendent of Shelton Schools, Wyeth Jessee, and medical professionals from Mason Health will be answering your questions on Thursday, September 9, through a prerecorded video. The video recording will be available for anyone who chooses to view it both in English and Spanish on Mason Health’s and iFiber One – KMAS’ YouTube accounts.
Free Vaccine Clinic
The Shelton School District is also partnering with Mason General Hospital to host a walk-up COVID-19 vaccine clinic for students, staff, and community members. Please note that you must be 12 years or older to receive the vaccine.
- When: Friday, September 10, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
- Where: Shelton High School - The clinic will be held outdoors. More details to come on the specific location.
- Registration: https://prepmod.doh.wa.gov//appointment/en/reg/9265169089
- Preregistration/parent consent is required for children under the age of 18. A separate registration is required for each person being vaccinated. Preregistration is strongly recommended but not required for everyone else. Please note that those who arrive without preregistering will need to fill out a consent form and availability may be limited.