
Frequently Asked Questions about Report Cards at Olympic Middle School:

Why does OMS uses a Standards-Based Grading system in its classes and on its report card?

Standards-based grades provide clear and specific information about student achievement, work habits and behavior to parents and students. Grades will be reported as numbers from a scoring rubric described below. OMS will not be assigning letter grades on report cards.


What are the categories students are graded on?

Students receive grades on academic standards in English/Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Math, Physical Education, and Electives (Band, Choir, Art, Technology). The skills being assessed on the report card align with Washington State Standards to facilitate readiness for state testing in the spring.

Students will also receive four "Learning Habits" grades. These grades will be given in most classes to measure Participation, Work Completion, Behavior, and Group Work. A scoring rubric for Learning Habits is printed on the back of this page.

The advantage of the separate systems is to clearly identify what a student's strengths and weaknesses are. Parents can see specific areas of success or concern within each academic subject and watch for progress as the students test throughout the year.


What are the academic grades being used on the new report card?

The grading scale for academic standards ranges from 0 to 4, with half points possible between.

‘4' means the student shows understanding beyond what is taught.
‘3' means the student shows understanding of the simple and complex items that were taught.
‘2' means the student shows understanding of the simple items taught.‘1' means that with help the student shows understanding of the simple items taught.
‘0' means even with help the student shows no understanding.


How do I read the report card?

Summary grades and learning behavior grades for Literacy, Social Studies, Science and Math will be printed at the top of the front page on our report card. These summary grades are an average of the separate skill grades for each subject. Skill grades show the trend of each student's success on individual skills by the end of that grading period. Skill grades, plus grades for Physical Education and Exploratory (Band, Choir, Art, and World Music) will be printed on the following pages. Any area which is blank or shows an X was not assessed during that quarter. Advisory, academy and student TA's will not receive grades, although progress is monitored. Fitness Grams from PE will be included with the report card.


How often will I get report cards?

Report cards are printed at the end of each trimester. Many teachers send home progress reports periodically throughout the trimester.


Can parents still use Parent Access on Skyward from home computers?

Yes, they can. The difference is that you won't see a summary grade. You can see the assignments that the teacher has entered, and the score your child received. Look for whether assignments have been completed, and for whether you student is showing improvement over time, or is showing consistent achievement (3's and 4's). If you have not signed up for Parent Access, call the school office and they will give you the information you need.

Be sure to talk to teachers at conferences about grading if you have any questions, call 462-6671 to leave a message, or email through the school website: